Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

Cheat Starcraft 2

While surfing on google n forum cheat, I foundStarcraft 2 cheats and guides. The good news is these cheats for Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty able to work 100%. Check out Starcraft 2 Cheats above for the details. Simply press ENTER when you are in the game to bring up the game console. From there it is pretty self explanatory. By pressing enter again after your cheat has been typed in, it will activate it and of course if you do the whole process again it will deactivate it.

Starcraft 2  Cheat :
- God Mode = terribleterribledamanage
- 5 Billion Credits = whysoserious
- 5,000 Gas = realmendrilldeep
- Units do not Cost Resources = moredotsmoredots
- Victory Conditions Disabled = tyuhasleftthegame
- Resources Granted = jaynestown
- Disable Tech Requirements = sosayweall
- Terran up the Night” Song = OverEngineeredCodPiece
- Cinematics Menu = eyeofsauron
- Upgrade Weapons, Armor and Shield by One = iamironman
- Disable Ability Cooldown = hanshotfirst
- Lose Game Instantly = cadeeasygoin
- Fast Build = basestarsprimative or reversingnazaire
- Faster Medics = fsbcomunicacion
- Disable Food and PSI Requirements = mintmansoperator
- 5,000 Minerals and Vespene Gas = smoldersbolds
- Defeat Conditions Disabled = ypoonsvoicemail
- Show Mission Progress = dzmhairspring
- Disable Fog War = sawnoutofmemory
- Time of Day = qrotero
- Instant Win = cmethodfeedback
- Instant Loss = cadeasygoin
- Mission Graph Dialog = lyingpect
- TV News = furabranchery
- Research Points = wapboinkers

That is most of the major cheats that are available. Entercheat will post more and create my own guide to SC2 for all of you in the very near future.

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